Since 2002 Red Nation has been able to make a difference in giving to youth on Rose Bud and Pine Ridge reservations in South Dakota.
Red Nation Celebration (RNC) is the parent non-profit organization to Red Nation Film Festival, Red Nation Productions and Red Nation Films. Red Nation Celebration with your generous support has been able to give for the last 10 years, over $20,000 worth of toys to Rose Bud Reservation and over $10,000 worth of school supplies, books, clothes, and food to Pine Ridge and Rose Bud Reservation.
Our partners in 2002 & 2003 were Toys R Us and Gives in Kind and You!
All proceeds of your pledge’s benefit “Native Youth Matter” Ending Youth Suicide on Reservations. Red Nation Celebration is a 501(c)3 Non Profit American Indian Organization, Talk to your tax advisor about a tax deduction for your pledge.
In addition as of this year 2011 and beyond; a dollar from each ticket sale from our annual events goes towards Native Youth Matter.
Each year RNFF Annual Events chooses a Charity, proceeds benefit American Indian Social Justice, Environmental Solutions, Human Rights, Animal
Protection and HIV/AIDS Prevention.